I'm a mom of two toddler boys, ages 1 and 2. When I'm not chasing and playing with my mini Brute Squad, I'm searching for must-have product for babies, toddlers and moms. In short, I "buzz the latest trends for mommies" through a combination of media, including video, photos and slideshows. With 5 years experience in Marketing and a Master's in Journalism, I've had the pleasure of promoting notable companies, such as Lego, Crayola and Boon, Inc. I look forward to working with many more awesome companies!

I am a SAHM of 3 boys born in Aug. '95, April '99 & December '06. My husband and I married in 1993 and live in Southeast Louisiana. I enjoy photography and love to take photos in my spare time. When I am not driving the mom taxi and chasing my little one, I am trying to find the best new products for mom, teens and everyone in between. On my blog Life In A House Of Blue you will find giveaways, reviews, videos and much more ... including a little of our everyday life. I have had the chance to work with many great companies and looking forward to working with many more. I have some great things lined up !
Samantha from As They Grow Up
I became a Stay-At-Home-Mom (SAHM) once Davis was born 20 months ago. I always had to work when my girls were little and I felt I missed out on so much. So once Davis arrived, we figured out ways for me to be able to stay with him. My girls are 16 and 13 and Davis is almost 2. Before becoming a SAHM, I worked as an accountant with a local builder! On As They Grow Up I review must-have products, write reviews, sell captivating photos and talk about my kids, my life and even our vacations.

I'm Jenna, that "crazy" tattooed Mommy you find at For The Love of Baby! My baby girls were born Feb 2007 and Sept 2008. We call Ames, Iowa home where I am currently attending Iowa State University for Criminology. While I'm juggling that textbook in one hand and bouncing a baby on my lap, you can also catch me blogging about great products for Mom and our little ones. I love sharing funny stories about our day to day activities and taking the time out that all Moms need....for themselves! So relax a bit and I'll find those funky and unique styles and those things Mommy needs most for herself as well.
I am a SAHM to a 20 month old little girl. My husband and I have been married for just over 5 years, and we live in Utah. I love crafts, scrapbooking, sewing, dancing, singing and blogging. Before I became a SAHM I worked in a Day Spa as a Master Aesthetician, and I've done some work as a makeup artist on independent films and model shoots. My motto is to keep a positive attitude and always look on the bright side.
I'm a SAHM to 3 children, an entertaining toddler, a spirited kindergartener and a way-too-independent teenager. As if I didn’t have enough going on, I also run an in-home daycare to 2 other children, ages 2 & 4. My entire life is focused on children and family. To re-charge and get jazzed up, I'm always on the lookout for fresh and fun and useful things for my family. When I find a must-have-that item, I talk about it on my other site (Look What Mom Found...and Dad too) and tell you how wonderfully it works for me and my family. These fabulous finds include mommy-friendly (and gorgeous) clothing, accessories, eco-friendly products and simple ideas. I also use my site to promote and support other amazing mamas who are doing their best for their families.