Sunday, June 28, 2009


Have you heard about a new book called In Praise of Stay-At-Home Moms by Dr. Laura Schlessinger? It was just released recently and it sounds great.

Whenever I tell people I am a Stay-at-Home-Mom, I feel a little "silly". Like all I do is sit, eat and play. No value to society. Not bringing in any dough. Truthfully I left a good job to became a SAHM, and I know I made the right choice. My kids are awesome, well-behaved, smart, etc. I socialize them and know they are safe. So why should I feel guilty for making a decision to raise them day and night? Because, without a doubt, there is still a stigma in society that SAHMs are not up to par with working moms.

That's where In Praise of Stay-At-Home Moms comes in.

Dr. Laura Schlessinger’s latest book, IN PRAISE OF STAY-AT-HOME MOMS, builds on principles developed during her long career as a licensed marriage and family therapist and provides a wealth of advice and support, as well as compassion and inspiration, to women as they navigate the wonders and struggles of being stay-at-home moms.

If this sounds like something you would like to read, you can learn more at Harper Collins.


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