Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog Book Review

Mo Willems has done it again. The famed Pigeon has found a hotdog and a new character, Duckling scams his way into getting some of it. The duckling’s question of “Is that a hot dog” seems innocent enough but Pigeon know he’s up to something. After some yelling, pacing, talking to the audience and frustration Pigeon finally succumbs to the cute duckling and shares his hot dog.

Mo Willem’s write stories to appeal to little ones through adults. His books are best read out-loud and with much enthusiasm to really understand Pigeon’s irritation with duckling’s simple question of “Does it taste like chicken?”. If you are looking for something to keep your preschooler laughing pick up The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog.

All the other Pigeon books are great reads too and have the same humor and simple illustrations.
Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus
The Pigeon Wants a Puppy
Don’t Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late

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