Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chick-n-Chickens Review

When I first received my Chicks-N-Chickens DVD I was very excited. It’s been a while since I worked out and I sure needed it. I took a peek at the website and saw exercise with your baby and my jaw hit the floor. Didn’t they realize my baby was hovering 30lbs. I can barely carry her to my son’s bustop let alone use her as an exercise equipment.

I sucked it up and popped in the DVD. I did a fast forward scan just to see what it was all about and thought it didn’t look so rough. I strapped my lil’ beast on and away we went. I must say it was great. The music was soothing but fun, the movements were simple but enough to get the heart pumping and my girl LOVED all the babies. She laughed at the bouncing and swaying and wanted to hold my hands so that she could dance. While this won’t put my baby to sleep I totally get how it would help a younger one pass out.

My husband kept asking if the workout was doing anything for me, I just glared at him out of breath and kept going. When we finished the DVD I was sweating! I’m not a sweater so that was a good indicator of a great workout. The more moving you do the more beneficial it’s going to be. Swing your arms, spin in a circle, anything to increase movement.

This is an awesome tool for not only squeezing in some workout time but it is also a great bonding tool. I now dance with my daughter instead of sitting in a rocking chair.

Chicks-n-Chickens is a Playdate Pick

1 comment:

  1. Fun! I have the same DVD to review next month once I can get moving after the baby is born. Now I'm really excited to try it out.


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